Emergency First Aid Training Course For Parents

The course is designed to ensure that Parents are able to administer first aid safely, promptly and effectively to a baby or child in an emergency situation.

What you can do as a first responder when a baby or child is injured. It covers the most common accidents or injuries. The content of this Basic Life Support (CPR) session complies with the European Resuscitation Guidelines and is internationally recognised as appropriate for the first responder action required to save a baby’s or child’s life. We will discuss your needs when you book the course and develop a suitable curriculum for your circumstances

emergency first aid training courses for parents

For example:

  • provide artificial breathing and chest compressions (CPR)
  • recognise and respond to choking
  • put your baby or child into the recovery position.
  • Electric shock, Head Injury, Nose bleeds, 
  • Wounds, Cuts, Eye Injury, Drowning
  • Overdose, Poisoning, Burns/scalds, Allergies.
  • We also include: Fever management and medical emergencies, including convulsions and meningitis

Please contact us for a quote for a customised course. Contact our sales advisor to discuss your course requirements