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First Aid News from Safety 1st
First Aid Training Continues
Following the Government uplifting on restrictions and in line with our awarding bodies Safety 1st are now able to deliver first aid training at your venue - following all safety protocols outlined by the Resuscitation Council UK and our awarding bodies. Our trainers will also adapt the training where necessary to ensure that any possible contamination is reduced by allowing alternative methods such as compression only CPR for example. Please contact us for further information.
Covid-19 First Aid Training for Keyworkers
Due to the spread of COVID-19 and the restrictions put in place Safety 1st have ceased all but essential face-to-face training. We are continuing to support our frontline keyworkers and where requested we can provide vital first aid training at your venue. Additional precautions are put in place. More information to follow.
Proposed changes to HSE approval - Lofstedt Review
The process of implementing the Lofstedt recommendations is proceeding steadily. HSE anticipates the publication of a public consultation document, focussing on (amendments to/changes to) the Approved Code of Practice.
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New First Aid Kit
There is now a new standard for the contents of a
workplace First Aid Kit BS-8599 (effective from 30th June 2011). Employers will need to carry out a first aid assessment in order to satisfy their requirements.
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Compression only CPR
Compression only (hands-only resuscitation) CPR is a technique that involves chest compressions without artificial respiration.
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Update to Resuscitation Guidelines October 2010
European Resuscitation Council and the Resuscitation Council (UK) jointly pulished the new Resuscitation Guidelines 2010.
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New Parents Emergency First Aid Training Course available
Emergency First Aid Training Course For Parents. The course is designed to ensure that Parents are able to administer first aid safely, promptly and effectively to a baby or child in an emergency situation.
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New HSE Guidelines Implications for your Business
From 1 October 2009 The Health and Safety Executive have introduced two new First Aid courses. 3 day First Aid at Work and 1 day Emergency First Aid at Work.
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First aid for schools now available in Wiltshire, Oxford Surrey & Hampshire
First aid for schools in Wiltshire, Oxford, Surrey & Hampshire. Take advantage of your inset days with this short first aid course delivered at your school
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Review of the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981
Since the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 came into force there have been substantial changes in the workplace. In early 2008 the Health & Safety Executive carried out a consultation to
evaluate the effectiveness of ‘First Aid in the Workplace’
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